Founded in 2004, YEP is the largest non-profit organization in the Greater New Orleans region that provides comprehensive services to young people disconnected from school and work or impacted by the justice system. We employ more than 50 team members, are governed by an engaged 20-member board of directors, and to date have operated with an annual budget of $5.6 million – about 50% coming from public contracts with local and state government agencies, and 50% raised from private philanthropy. 

Commitment to Staff Wellness. YEP is a warm and caring place to work, with competitive salaries and benefits.

Strong Program Results. Across all of YEP’s services areas, more than 75% of YEP youth consistently demonstrate improvement in their emotional well-being, as measured by at least one externally validated measurement tool. 

Steady Organizational Growth. YEP was originally founded to serve court-involved youth, but has grown significantly to also engage youth and families who live in chronic poverty, are out of school or work, or have experienced trauma.

Strong Financial Position. For years, YEP has had strong, reliable and transparent financials. We have clean audits, a larger-than-average cash reserve and own three of our seven buildings outright. 
Consistent, Invested Leaders. Of the four members of YEP’s senior leadership team, three have been with YEP for at least 14 years. The fourth joined us six years ago. Our board of directors is also deeply invested and works hard to contribute and advocate for our mission. 

You can always visit our website to learn more about Our Mission, Our Team, Our Programs and YEP’s Employee Benefits. We’d love to hear from you. Apply today to join the YEP Team!

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